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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday,  September 28, 2010. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Roger Letso, Peter Samoskevich Joseph Whelan, Robert Edwards (8:40). Absent: Joseph Girgasky.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Fletcher Thompson representative Matt Holst, O&G representatives and Jeff Cugno and Larry Schilling, Ames & Whitaker representative Steve Whitaker, Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman Edwards Marks and Commission members, Director of Parks and Recreation Amy Mangold, Board of Education member David Nanavaty, one member of press.

Public Participation. Mr. Mitchell noted that there will be a public participation segment for the various agenda items.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Samoskevich, the minutes of the special meeting of August 31, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

High School Expansion Project.
Mr. Schweitzer said that the classrooms and the ceiling for the first and second floors will be completed this week. Lobby tile on the first floor is going in, carpet is in. Ground floor concerns have change orders to be worked through. The power outlet locations on the knee wall in the servery is a concern. Completion should be November 9 with an ongoing punch list of corrective actions. Mr. Knight does not see any major items that will delay this date.

There is a concern with the cure time of the rubber on the track surface, which will probably be ready for the end of October. Mr. Marks asked if the field can be used if the track surface is not complete; Mr. Schweitzer said this needs to be determined.  He said that the type of sealer has been changed to meet the schedule.  There will be no difference in the final product appearance and durability.

The parking lot north of the field should be paved next week.

The gym is scaffolded, limiting access to the floor. There is a dimensional discrepancy on one wall which needs to be worked out. FT will issue a sketch.  The issue with the equipment supplier of the bleachers is being worked through. Temporaries may be used.

November 22 is the anticipated occupancy date. Mr. Nanavaty reported that the principal is not optimistic about this date. Mr. Knight will keep track of this. He reported that moisture in the existing floor is an issue.  The punch list and the temporary certificate of occupancy are planned for November 2.   

Mr. Juliano is concerned with moisture in the basement. Mr. Knight said that several areas that were to be patched need to be removed and replaced, including duct work and insulation.   Mr. Mitchell asked that a written document noting these areas be prepared by Mr. Knight.
Masonry corrective actions. First and second floor are complete. Stair 2 & 3 complete. Still finding areas that need to be addressed. Mr. Knight said there will still be punch list items though the items that had to be addressed.  The overall work is satisfactory.  However, there are areas that cannot be completely corrected due to the size of the mortar joints.

Greenhouse. Mr. Schweitzer reported that the infrastructure is in place. Mr. Mitchell reported that Morganti had reported that the existing greenhouse was to be replaced at a net change of $100,000 to $150,000. The Commission requested that Morganti see what the credits would be, to determine the net change to meet that number. First Selectman Llodra and Finance Director Tait reviewed the cost at the request of the Commission. They have also requested that the net cost change be lowered to reflect the original estimate.  Mr. Schwetizer reported that a change order from the sub was $350,000. Two other base bids were $315,000 to $320,000. The net change from the credits is $25,000. Mr. Mitchell feels that this number should be higher. Mr. Schweitzer does not have a more complete number tonight. The adds to the greenhouse are heating equipment, sinks, fire alarm, additional power outlets, emergency lights, low temp monitoring system, 40 inch air curtain, cooling, added lighting and foundation and environmental controls. Mr. Holst said that some of these items were to bring the greenhouse up to ADA and Life Safety codes. He said that the addition of the knee wall is one of the biggest add items. Mr. Mitchell would like a better breakdown by dollars and items for the Commission to review. he requested that Morganti determine if there are items that are part of this job that were not part of the old greenhouse that could be added later without jeopardizing the educational part of the space. He said that $440,000 is too high a cost for approval at this time. Mr. Schweitzer said he could have the number within two weeks. Mr. Mitchell has received a number of emails on the subject of the greenhouse expressing concern over the costs. Mr. Nanavaty is concerned that we have delayed the greenery program for a year waiting for the addition to be completed and that it may be delayed another year.  The project intent was to relocate and upgrade the existing greenhouse.  Since this proved to be infeasible, the current scope is to construct a new greenhouse that meets the Ed Spec for the previous one.  Any additions need to be examined and justified.

Community Center.
Mr. Mitchell said that the Commission was to receive full schematics in July and O&G postponed that to August but did not attend the Commission meeting on that date.  PB&S  has not received any updates on this project. O&G has made unilateral changes without consulting the Commission or Parks and Rec and this is unacceptable.

Jeff Cugno, O&G Director of Development, said that if a plan was presented in August, it would have been a different design from tonight’s proposal due to changes in site work and programming made since then. He said that the Commission had received a conceptual design. The numbers to be presented this evening will match small, intermediate and full build scenarios.

Mr. Samoskevich asked if the building can be phased; Mr. Whitaker said that it can be phased. He said there are $1.2 million in alternates; Mr. Mitchell said we will take add alternates but not deduct alternates. He said that we talked about adding the pool at a later date. He said that Ames & Whitaker is not meeting the terms of the contract and that skipping two meetings of the Commission without keeping the Commission informed is not acceptable. Mr. Cugno said we now have numbers of $18 million. Mr. Mitchell said that the budget number increased by 30% without informing the Commission and that this is not acceptable. Mr. Cugno said that we can work with the proposal for $18 million because we now have contingencies on the site that we did not have earlier.  He said that the figure of $12 million for 44,000 square feet did not come from O&G but information was presented that stated that he said that the project could be completed for $12.9 million. Mr. Cugno said that the cost estimate at schematic design is between $17 and $18 million.

Mr. Whitaker discussed the $18 million “Full Program” Schematic Plan and Elevations dated March 23, 2010 with the estimate dated May 11, 2010 (Attachment A to original minutes) with no Parks and Recreation participation.  These were presented to the PB&S commission on March 23, 2010.  The cost estimate that was prepared by O&G in May was not presented to the commission until this meeting.  

Mr. Marks noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission has not yet seen these plans. Based on previous presentations he thought that the demo of Litchfield Hall would leave a flat slab that could be built on so that seeing a figure of $1.7 million to build on that site was not expected. Mr. Whitaker said that this figure is not part of this project. The Fairfield Hills Authority chose this site. Mr. Whitaker said that he always felt that this was a difficult site, but it will accommodate the building.

Mr. Marks said that this is the facility that we would like to see as a result of the compromises that were made along the way. Mr. Whitaker said that pool could be phased. Mr. Schilling said that the project with one pool and a full gym could be built for $12.2 million. Mr. Marks and Ms. Mangold do not feel that the facility for $12 million would be acceptable for the desired programming. The Board of Selectmen said that only $9 million would be allotted for the project. Parks and Recreation did not feel that a building would be acceptable for $9 million.

Mr. Whitaker distributed a “Reduced Program” estimate dated June 18, 2010 for $12 million (Attachment B to original minutes) with no Parks and Recreation participation. Mr. Marks noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission has not seen this proposal, but he and Ms. Mangold do not feel that the reduced program is acceptable. The plan reduced the gym to a half court and eliminated the full pool.

The Commission requested a formal submission of each approach with full back up for review.  They also requested that Parks and Rec submit their views and comments on the approaches at the same time.

Dan Holmes of the Sustainable Energy Commission said that the Town should be made more aware of geothermal options and that they should be a coordinated approach to developing sustainable energy approaches to all projects.

Mr. Edwards moved that the Parks and Recreation Commission discuss the two proposals presented tonight and make a recommendation to the Public Building and Site Commission. Second by Mr. Mitchell and unanimously carried.  

Middle School Roof.
Mr. Mitchell reported that the way that the original documents were released did not meet the Town or State requirements. Mr. Catalina and Mr. Edwards prepared a Request for Qualifications proposal (Attachment C to original minutes). Mr. Catalina and Mr. Edwards visited several architects. They went on the roof a few weeks ago with a representative from Garland Roofing Contractors. Mr. Catalina suggested that alternate prices from the State required methods should be obtained. Once a design professional is selected, it will be determined whether it is less expensive not to go with the requirements for reimbursement. RFQ opening is October 21. Mr. Edwards reported that the goal is to have the roof completed by September 2011. He said that the Fire Marshal and the Building Official will not give permission to do this work while school is in session. We would like to begin the project in April if come classes can be relocated at that time. The Commission asked Mr. Nanavaty to request that the Board of Education to discuss this.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project
Morganti Application #15 in the amount of $1,808.906.11 for 75% completion. Upon review by Mr. Knight, this invoice was reduced from the original amount to the above amount.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #16554 in the amount of $19,544.00 for Construction Administration and invoice #16555 in the amount of $2,633.20  for FF&E. Mr. Mitchell does not feel that Fletcher Thompson has sufficient funds remaining to adequately complete the job. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Knight do not feel that they are 95% complete. Mr. Edwards moved to redline both invoices and return them to Fletcher-Thompson. Second by Mr. Catalina and unanimously carried.

Brooks Environmental Invoice #5325 in the amount of $970.00 for abatement. This is the final invoice for the abatement. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of the above invoice, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

Morganti Change Order #52 in the amount of $14,516.01 for moving the fume hoods. The Commission approved a change for this work previously and will not approve this additional change order.  It is expected that a change order is complete with all associated sub-contractors and costs included.

Animal Control Facility.
No report.  Mr. Mitchell discussed this with Ms. Llodra and she indicated it would be referred to the Commission following the determination of the final site.
Hook and Ladder Building.
No report. Mr. Mitchell discussed this with Ms. Llodra and she indicated it would be referred to the Commission following the determination of the final site.

Unfinished Business
The Gerrity Memorial Tree was saved and will be pruned in the near term.  It had been postponed to allow for construction around the tree to be completed.

General review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission. Mr. Mitchell asked that comments from the Commission be sent to him.  This is the appropriate opportunity to define the Roles and Responsibilities of the Commission and receive approval and comments from the Town.

New Business None noted.

Executive session.
Mr. Edwards moved to add “Executive Session” to the agenda to discuss a legal matter that was previously discussed.  Second by Mr. D’Angelo and unanimously carried.

Executive session.
Mr. Letso moved to enter executive session at 9:45 p.m. to discuss a legal matter that was previously discussed. Second by Mr. Whelan and unanimously carried.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to exit the Executive session, seconded by Mr. Edwards and unanimously approved.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 pm.

The next regular meeting will be on October 26, 2010. There may be a special meeting scheduled prior to that date to discuss the High School addition and/or the Community Center.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk